UNEF, the Spanish Photovoltaic Union, and APREN, the Portuguese Association of Renewable Energies, held today the Conference “Agrovoltaics in the Iberian Peninsula: innovation for a sustainable future”, which took place at the Cajalmendralejo Financial Headquarters, in Badajoz, and was attended by nearly 170 people.
During the event, UNEF and APREN offered a comprehensive and innovative vision of the reality of agrovoltaics in the Iberian Peninsula, highlighting the double opportunity of combining agricultural practices with the production of solar energy, promoting a more sustainable future.
In addition, during the event, success stories, business models and financing strategies were analyzed that position agrovoltaics as a sustainable solution for rural development and the energy transition. Pioneering experiences in the peninsula and Extremadura, financing channels and R&D projects in the sector were also presented, with the participation of universities and reference organisations, as well as IDAE and ADENE, its Portuguese counterpart.
A Conference with great experts
The meeting was opened by Miguel Rodrigo, general director of IDAE; José Luis González, councillor delegated to the Projects Cabinet; Lighting and Energy Efficiency, Public Transport and Municipal Mobile Park of the Badajoz City Council; Rafael Benjumea, president of UNEF; and Raquel Pastor, general director of Industry, Energy and Mines of the Junta de Extremadura, who highlighted the Junta’s commitment to the energy sector and the development of renewable energies in the region.
Rafael Benjumea, president of UNEF, wanted to express his gratitude to the agricultural sector “for its commitment to agrovoltaics. Agrovoltaics is the result of the involvement of the agricultural sector in the development of photovoltaics to make it compatible with agriculture, being able to work together and combine both activities.” In addition, the president of UNEF wanted to highlight the leadership of Extremadura in our country, since it is “the autonomous community with the greatest installed capacity, with more than 7.7 GW. An important engine of wealth and employment generation in the region.”
The sector associations of Spain and Portugal, together with institutional representatives, companies and experts, have brought to society the opportunity that comes from combining the practice of organic agriculture with the production of solar energy.
Pedro Amaral Jorge, president of APREN, highlighted that the event “represents an important milestone in the collaboration between Portugal and Spain to explore the potential of agrovoltaics. It is a unique opportunity to delve deeper into a topic that is trending in the world of energy, demonstrating how we can combine technological innovation with agricultural sustainability, contributing to the decarbonisation of the Iberian Peninsula and strengthening the resilience of our rural territories.”
The event was closed by Mercedes Morán, Minister of Agriculture, Livestock and Sustainable Development of the Government of Extremadura, Nelson Lage, President of the Board of Directors of ADENE and José Donoso, CEO of UNEF.
In his speech, Morán explained that the Board is preparing a draft strategic planning “to contribute to the energy transition in a way that is compatible with other agricultural uses, job creation and the rich environmental values ??of Extremadura, integrating renewables into the territory in a sustainable way.” In this regard, he indicated that in terms of energy, “new possibilities are coming into play with other technologies such as floating solar, agrovoltaics, battery storage, supercapacitors or reversible hydroelectric pumping.”
For his part, José Donoso, director general of UNEF, concluded the meeting by highlighting that “the success of the event demonstrates the great expectations of collaboration that there are between the rural world and the photovoltaic sector. We are opening a path that will have an important development in the future.”