Nordex Group delivers more than 30% of the expansion of onshore wind energy in Germany in 2024

In 2024, the Nordex Group supplied 32% of newly-connected onshore wind power in Germany. According to the German Onshore Wind Energy Agency (Fachagentur Windenergie an Land), Nordex is the leading manufacturer in the market master data register, with 196 installed and commissioned turbines (based on the commissioning of onshore wind turbines reported by clients). The total output of turbines installed by Nordex amounts to 1.06 gigawatts (GW).

Karsten Brüggemann, Vice President Region Central, Nordex Group: “I would like to thank our customers for the trust they have placed in us and, of course, our many colleagues for their tireless efforts in the numerous projects we have completed this year. Our market leadership once again demonstrates that our technology is ideally suited to the German market. Accordingly, we also expect to see a large number of new installations and a strong order intake in the German market in 2025.”