In November, Spain announced 37 photovoltaic and hybrid projects for 1.4 GW, including 437 MW of storage

The Official State Gazette for the month of November lists 37 photovoltaic and hybrid projects, including 437 MW of storage.

pplication for declaration of public utility of the FV Tan Energy 2 and FV Tan Energy 4 photovoltaic projects, of 43.35 MW respectively, in the municipality of Jimena de la Frontera, in the province of Cádiz, promoted by the Eland Group.

Application for recognition of public utility of the Los Quincetos photovoltaic installation of 50.1 MW, and its evacuation infrastructure, in the municipalities of Marzales, Mota del Marqués and Vega de Valdetronco, in the province of Valladolid, promoted by Bruc Energy.

Application for recognition, specifically, of public utility of the FV Herrera Solar 3-4 photovoltaic solar installation of 81.2 MW and its evacuation infrastructure, in the municipalities of Sotobañado and Priorato, Páramo de Boedo and Calahorra de Boedo, in the province of Palencia, promoted by Aquila Clean Energy.

Application for modification of the prior administrative and construction authorisation, relating to the installation of electricity generation using photovoltaic technology called HSF CA 1 of 13.30 MW, and for the associated underground medium voltage evacuation line located in the municipalities of La Rinconada and Seville, promoted by Prodiel.

Application for Declaration of Public Utility of the Caparacena 400 photovoltaic solar plant of 222.09 MW and its evacuation infrastructure in the municipalities of Iznalloz, Piñar, Deifontes, Albolote, Atarfe, Colomera and Moclín, in the province of Granada, promoted by Endesa.

Application for an environmental impact statement for the Ramal Sur hybrid installation project, consisting of an 85.8 MW wind farm and a 44.72 MW photovoltaic park, for hybridisation with the existing Castejón 1 combined cycle thermal power plant of 424.91 MW, and its evacuation infrastructure, promoted by TotalEnergies.

Application for administrative authorisation and declaration of public utility for the 3 MW Las Coloradas Photovoltaic Plant installation, in the municipality of Telde on the island of Gran Canaria, promoted by the Disa Group.

Environmental impact statement for the 51.985 MW El Horizonte photovoltaic solar plant project, and for its evacuation infrastructure, in the province of Alicante, promoted by Viridi.

Prior administrative and construction authorisation, and public utility, for the Las Tadeas Solar photovoltaic installation of 46.14 MW, and its evacuation infrastructures, for its hybridisation with the existing Las Tadeas wind farm of 39.05 MW, in Paredes de Nava and Cardeñosa de Volpejera (Palencia), promoted by Capital Energy.

Application for declaration of public utility for the Obenque Solar photovoltaic installation, of 55.36 MW, and its evacuation infrastructures, in the municipal terms of Horche, Yebes, Valdarachas, Guadalajara and Pozo de Guadalajara (Guadalajara Province), Santorcaz and Anchuelo (Madrid Province), promoted by Verbund.

Application for recognition of public utility for the Andarríos Solar photovoltaic installation of 58.08 MW and its evacuation infrastructure in the municipalities of Villalba de los Alcores, Valdenebro de los Valles and La Mudarra, in the province of Valladolid, promoted by Grupo Cobra.

Declaration of public utility, for the FV Caparacena photovoltaic solar installation of 274.96 MW, and its evacuation infrastructure, in Ventas de Huelma, Cacín, Chimeneas, Cijuela, Láchar, Pinos Puente, Valderrubio, Íllora and Atarfe (Granada), promoted by Iberdrola.

Prior administrative authorisation for the Cerro del Palo photovoltaic generation module, with a capacity of 41.244 MW, and its evacuation infrastructure, for its hybridisation with the existing wind farm, Cerro del Palo, in Vara de Rey, Sisante and Tébar (Cuenca), promoted by Iberdrola.

Prior administrative authorisation for the Hoyuelas-Rosales hybrid photovoltaic plant project, with a capacity of 23.760 MW, and for its evacuation infrastructure, in Almansa (Albacete), promoted by Acciona.

Resolution granting Iron Power Energy, SL, the declaration of public utility, specifically, for the Iron 1 installation, with a capacity of 51.725 MW and its evacuation infrastructure, in Torrecilla de la Abadesa and Villalar de los Comuneros (Valladolid). The promoter company is Q Energy, part of Hanwha Q Cells.

Environmental impact report for the ST Palmosilla 200 MW energy storage plant project and part of its evacuation infrastructure in the province of Cádiz, promoted by Rolwind Renovables.

Resolution formulating the environmental impact assessment report for the El Almendro 36 MW Photovoltaic Solar Park project and its evacuation infrastructure in the province of Huelva, promoted by Naturgy.

Application for recognition of public utility of the El Granero 50.1 MW photovoltaic solar installation and its evacuation infrastructure, in the municipality of Bocigas, in the province of Valladolid, promoted by Opdenergy.

Application for declaration of public utility of the Electric Power Generation project using a 4.95 MW photovoltaic plant, in the municipality of El Bosque, in the province of Cádiz, promoted by Sunco Capital.

Application for administrative authorization and declaration of public utility of the 3.9 MW Puerto del Rosario Wind Farm Hybrid Photovoltaic Plant, in the municipality of Puerto del Rosario, on the island of Fuerteventura, promoted by Naturgy.

Application for modification of prior administrative and construction authorization and declaration of public utility for the purposes of compulsory expropriation of the assets and rights necessary for its establishment and the imposition and exercise of the right of way; concerning the hybridisation of the electric power generation facility using the 4.80 MW PFV Helios photovoltaic plant, with the Romeral 1, 2 and 3 generation plants, located in the municipality of Carmona (Seville), promoted by Tarba Energía.

Authorisation to initiate the public information file for the 4.019 MWp photovoltaic plant project for self-consumption on the island and energy efficiency improvement systems through inverters and other devices, for pumping from the Cadimo reservoir to the site, in the province of Jaén, promoted by the Guadalquivir Hydrographic Confederation.

Application for prior administrative and construction authorisation, declaration of public utility and authorisation of the project for specific action of public interest on non-urbanisable land and environmental impact assessment of the project for the solar park called Riba-roja of 4.95 MW and its evacuation infrastructure, on land on non-urbanisable land, in the municipality of Riba-roja d’Ebre, in the Ribera d’Ebre region, promoted by European Energy.

Application for prior administrative authorisation and construction of the projects for the execution of the battery storage modules BESS Hibridación FV Olmedilla of 27.46 MW for its hybridisation with the existing FV Olmedilla photovoltaic solar park of 42 MW, and BESS Hibridación FV Romeral of 27.46 MW, for its hybridisation with the existing FV Romeral photovoltaic solar park of 42 MW, and its evacuation infrastructures, in the province of Cuenca, promoted by Iberdrola.

Application for prior administrative authorisation, declaration of regional energy interest and environmental impact declaration of the INCA BESS 66 kV energy storage project of 55 MW and a storage energy of 123.328 MWh, and of the alternative evacuation infrastructure projects in the municipality of Inca, promoted by Our New Energy (ONE).

Prior administrative authorisation for the “Tabernas 100 MW photovoltaic park” project of 99.85 MW, and part of its evacuation infrastructure, in the municipality of Tabernas (Almería), promoted by Elcano Renovables, related to Global Capital Financial Energy of the Santander Group.

Declaration of public utility (BOE) of the Ququima photovoltaic plant with 231.68 MW of installed capacity, its evacuation infrastructure and the Ququima 30/220 kV transformer substation (SET), located in the municipalities of Baza and Caniles (Granada), promoted by Aquila Clean Energy.

Prior administrative authorisation (BOE) for the Peñaflor III and Peñaflor IV photovoltaic installations, of 48.118 MW each, and their evacuation infrastructures, for their hybridisation with the existing wind farms Peñaflor III and Peñaflor IV, of 48.99 MW each, in the municipal areas of San Cebrián de Mazote, Castromonte, Barruelo del Valle, Torrelobatón and Peñaflor de Hornija (Valladolid), promoted by Iberdrola.

Prior administrative and construction authorisation and declaration of public utility (BOE) of the project for the photovoltaic solar plant for self-consumption energy generation with surpluses called PSFV Vilalba dels Arcs with a capacity of 2.5 MW installed on land on non-urbanisable land, and its evacuation infrastructure, 25 kV underground lines, in the municipalities of Vilalba dels Arcs and Batea, in the Terra Alta region (Tarragona), promoted by Electra Caldense Holding.

Application for declaration of public utility (BOE) of the photovoltaic solar plant called Planta Solar Fotovoltaica La Ribera I with a capacity of 15 MW on land on non-urbanisable land and its evacuation infrastructure, 25 kV underground lines, in the municipality of Garcia, in the Ribera d’Ebre region (Tarragona), promoted by BluePROM.