Capital Energy acquires more than half of the 3,300 MW of wind energy and solar power from the auction in Spain

Spain awarded the company Capital Energy about 1,550 megawatts for the production of electricity from renewable sources. This was announced yesterday after the auction that the executive carried out and through which the company obtained 1,540 MW of wind power and 8 solar. All megawatts for which the company competed. This company is the parent company of Green Capital Power, which has 4 wind farm construction projects in Matarraña, Bajo Aragón and Bajo Aragón-Caspe. Projects that are on public display until today.

It is the second time that the company participated in a renewables auction called in Spain under this new mechanism. In the first, held on January 26, it was already the winner in the wind sector, after being awarded 620 MW. The company stressed that this fact “confirms its commitment to the ecological and fair energy transition.” All this in an auction that did not have companies such as Iberdrola, Endesa or Acciona after the regulation that the executive intends to implement to stop the escalation in the wholesale price of electricity.

Endesa sources confirmed that the mandatory energy auction contained in the RDL for 2022, which they added, “subtracts energy already sold to customers”, and the short position in production with respect to the customer portfolio that forces them to buy in the pool, make Endesa’s strategy today is primarily aimed at promoting its own generation to supply its customers in the long term. All this one day before the deadline for submitting allegations to the Paucali, Argestes, Céfiro and Arlo projects that the company presented in the Matarraña region and in the neighboring municipalities of Valdealgorfa and Maella, in Bajo Aragón and Bajo Aragon-Caspe respectively. The 4 projects include 84 wind turbines that would produce 504 MW.

Forestalia has been awarded 777.90 megawatts in the aforementioned auction. Of these, 562.40 correspond to wind energy and 215.50 to photovoltaic. The Forestalia company itself considers the auctions as a “business opportunity for the energy sector” and also, they added, for “Spain to continue advancing towards the decarbonization of the economy”, in a competitive manner, free of premiums and subsidies. In this auction, Forestalia has offered prices that it considers adequate, adjusted and competitive.