Capital Energy advances in the development of the Troitomil wind power plant

The Ministry of Economy of the Xunta de Galicia has opened to public information the request for authorization of the third Capital Energy wind farm in the region, called Troitomil, which will have a capacity of 30 megawatts (MW).

According to the energy company, the park, located in the province of A Coruña, will involve an investment of around 21 million euros. The five wind turbines of this renewable Capital Energy facility will be capable of supplying more than 100,000 megawatt hours (MWh) of clean energy per year, equivalent to the consumption of more than 43,500 Galician homes, and will avoid the annual emission into the atmosphere of more than 42,000 tons of CO2.

The Troitomil wind farm, located in the municipalities of A Baña and Negreira, will also promote the creation of up to 180 jobs during its construction phase and will have an annual economic impact on regional coffers of around 250,000 euros. To this recurring amount is added the punctual payment of 800,000 euros.

Recently, the Ministry of Economy has also submitted to public information the first two wind farms of Capital Energy in Galicia: Banzas and Maragouto, which will have an installed capacity of 31 MW and 35 MW, respectively.