Today, a new edition of #WindTalent has brought together different representatives of HR, Talent and Training from companies in the wind sector and wind turbines, experts from Head Hunters, and young professionals who have chosen wind as the sector to start their professional careers.
The conference, organized by the Spanish Wind Energy Association (AEE), discussed the challenges in attracting talent and job growth in the wind sector, as well as the motivations of companies and workers to make wind power one of the main sources of employment and with greater growth and solidity in the energy sector, thus contributing to the economic recovery of our country.
Juan Virgilio Márquez, CEO of AEE, has opened the round of #Windtalent sessions highlighting that in Spain the wind sector employs more than 24,000 people, creating five times more employment than conventional technologies. Márquez stressed that in order to reach the target of 50,000 installed MW of wind power by 2030, the current employment figure could double.
The Spanish wind sector is strategic for economic recovery. Companies in the sector will need to incorporate new professionals in the next decade who will add value to change. The Spanish wind sector has a strong industrial fabric with pioneering companies and world leaders in innovation and technology, with highly specialized job creation. Employment in a technology sector such as wind requires an important level of training. In addition, the employability of students specializing in renewable energy is very high compared to other industrial sectors.
During #WindTalent the future needs of professionals in companies in the wind sector have been analyzed, as well as the existing academic offer and its relationship with companies, and the future challenges and guidelines that we must follow to generate employment and attract professionals to the sector.
Fernando Carruesco, founder of Talent for the Future, has made an inaugural presentation of the conference in which he has inspired us to win the war of talent and achieve the development of professionals, ideas, and our abilities to grow professionally. The current generations of new professionals have different motivations than the previous ones and companies have to adapt and respond appropriately.
In the first online round table of #WindTalent, moderated by Juan Virgilio Márquez, we had Guilermo Estrada, Head of Recruitment of EDPR; Sara Donoso, Iberia Talent Acquistion of GE Renewable Energy; Celestino Martínez, Director of Generation Resources at Naturgy; Carlos Jambrina, Global Head Development & Leadership of Siemens Gamesa; and Carlos Molinero, Vice President of Human Resources at Vestas. All of them have analyzed the characteristics and needs they are looking for in new talents when it comes to a selection process in companies, among other topics. Humility, learning ability, adaptability, passion, training, technical skills and soft skills, perseverance or development, are some of the factors they value most.
In the second session, we analyzed what are the ideal characteristics that a company must meet to make it an attractive target for young talents, moderated by Piluca Núñez, Director of Communication at AEE. Teresa Bohnekamp, ??RWE Junior PPA Coordinator; Lidia Pérez Hornero, wind resource analyst at Expleo; Jon Valdivielso, Sales Representative of Liftra; and Miguel Díaz, Engineer of Cargas Aeros at Altran, agreed that one of the main motivations of young people is the search for a company with ethical values ??that coincide with their own, highlighting sustainability and the environment and that, in the case of wind is clearly the fight against climate change and the growth and development of green energy. Work-life balance, a good work environment, or being a vocational sector are some facets that the speakers have highlighted as motivations for future workers in the wind sector.
Ana Campos, Executive Manager at Catenon; Raúl Herrero, Director Engineering of Robert Walters; Susana Martín, Sales & Marketing Manager of Claire Joster; and Miguel Picardo, Partner Director at Ackermann International, were the members of the last round table of the day, moderated by Heikki Willstedt, Director of Energy Policies and Climate Change of AEE. The subject of debate has been the new times that we are living in the selection of talent and whether young people are being trained in the new jobs that will emerge during the energy transition. The speakers have agreed that training is a fundamental part of growth in companies and that they play an important role in completing the training of their employees.