Concentrated Solar Thermal Power industry meets in Madrid to talk about optimisation

With photovoltaic hoping to achieve a cost of 0,07 c€/KWh by the end of the decade, cost reduction in CSP is synonymous with getting the maximum yield in existing and future plants. As you can expect, these two topics are always shrouded in mystery as companies do not want to willingly share their key efficiency techniques with the competition.

But with the introduction of an interactive program at the 2nd CSP Optimisation Summit, on June 5-6, this is set to change. Experts will reveal vital efficiency strategies and deliberate with solar thermal experts and representatives on how to implement these methods to increase performance and propel the industry forward.

Luis Crespo (ESTELA and Protermosolar) y Eduardo Zarza (CIEMAT- PSA) will chair the event and will share opinions and knowledge with the following companies of the CSP industry: Abengoa, Torresol O&M, DLR Institute of Solar Research, Abantia, OPEX Energy, Fraunhofer Institute for Mechanics of Materials IWM, Siemens, ENEA and Novatec.