Italy, the number two EU wind power market in 2011

The Italian wind energy market did not merely hold its ground in 2011. According to the Italian wind energy association, ANEV (Associazione Nazionale Energia del Vento), Italy’s installed wind farm capacity rose to 6,747 MW.

The performance marks a new installation level of 932.7 MW in the twelve months of 2011 compared to 916.4 MW in 2010 in data provided for the end of 2010 by the grid operator Terna.

The per kWh price for onshore wind energy is still one of the most attractive in Europe at € 0.158 per kWh for 15 years, despite the earnings reduction following the drop in value of green certificates. This price is arrived at by adding the market price for electricity to the green certificate price.

In the current negotiations with the government, ANEV has proposed a choice of support level between € 0.152 per kWh for 15 years or € 0.146 per kWh for 20 years. A quota system, at least equal to 650 MW per annum, could be announced to be certain of achieving the NREAP targets. Decisions should be made in a matter of days.