Wind power in Sweden: first Chinese wind turbines from Sinovel

Two of Sinovel wind turbines manufactured in China began operating Tuesday on Tjurhojden in Molkom City, in western Sweden. This is the first time that wind turbines developed in China entering the European wind energy market.

The two 3 MW wind turbines, 150 meters high and 113 meter rotor diameter, were manufactured by China’s Sinovel Wind Group. It is expected that the two wind turbines generating a total of 15,000 megawatt / hours of electricity a year, which would cover the demand of more than 3,000 homes.

Claes Buhler, director general of the Swedish company that bought CRC Windpower wind turbines for 84 million Swedish kronor (about 12.85 million dollars), said Sinovel, being the leading manufacturer of wind turbines in the world, should be an alternative for Swedish wind farm developers, as its clean energy products are "effective and reliable."

Moreover, the vice president of Sinovel, Lecheng Li said that the Tjurhojden wind far is a "demonstrative example."

"If Sinovel wind turbines can be accepted in terms of quality and technology for local users and can also access the local electricity network without problems, is very promising for wind turbines from entering the European wind energy market in the future" said Li.

By José Santamarta,