Solar Power Generation USA

Solar Power Generation USA 2012 once again sees an impressive agenda and speaker line up but also welcomes some exciting new formats to ensure you get the most out of your time.

Now widely acknowledged as being one of the most crucial events of the US utility scale solar power generation calendar, the award winning Solar Power Generation Conference and Exhibition will bring together the key players for large scale solar power generation in the US.

With more in depth and focussed streams, a day dedicated to structured networking and roundtable discussions to meet key players face to face, the return of the charity golf tournament and the introduction of the Solar Power Generation awards, it will be an action packed week in Las Vegas!

350+ attendees in 2011, over 60% director+ level. 2012 is set to be even bigger and better!

Over 60 expert speakers in new dedicated Concentrated Solar Pover, Photovoltaic and Concentrating Photovoltaic streams, drilling down into technologies and projects in more detail.

The best networking opportunities: New roundtable sessions and online networking will connect you face to face with the key people you want to meet.

Utility lead: Meet more utilities that at any other solar conference.

Sold out exhibition halls in 2010 and 2011.