Of the provinces chosen as solar energy sites, Konya was granted the right to apply for 82 megawatts of electricity, followed by Van with 77 megawatts, Mersin province with 35 megawatts and Karaman up to 38 megawatts, Sabah newspaper reported.
Turkey’s Energy Market Regulatory Authority (EPDK) Chairman Hasan Kökta said, "In this next stage, when we announce the measurement regulations, companies will begin surveying the regions announced yesterday. We will be announcing a date for licensing applications. In this competition, those who offer the highest discounted price on the purchasing price determined in the regulations will be granted connection rights. Therefore, the private sector applications will be determined by both surveys and competition results."
The solar energyn plan contains a 600 megawatt limit to investments throughout Turkey, once the 600 megawatt capacity facilities are completed and producing electricity, the government will authorize for further investments according to a designated plan. Turkey intends to increase its clean energy share to 30 percent of its power supply by 2023, the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Turkish republic.
Joao Peixe, oilprice.com/