With this new call will be achieved in Andalusia the quota of wind farms with technical and administrative maturity competitively to attend to the calls made by the Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Commerce, to recognize the right to receive the scheme economic by the discharge of energy from wind farm plants.
The order issued, and to assess particular technological improvements and the installation will take into account wind farm projects that contribute to the improvement of distribution networks for quality of supply and increase power. In addition to the assessment of industrial development plans (which extends to the field of ICT and digital content) will take into account savings and investments in energy efficiency and renewable energy use in municipal facilities, especially in institutions which are located parks, as well as the introduction of technology centers and research and innovation.
This call will allow the easing of financial burdens to be borne by wind farm developers as a result of the provision of collateral and guarantees, allowing, among other things, that the security for the industrial plans and other actions (up to three million euros) in general can be deposited after the call state.
In turn, wind farm developers to set a priority of its wind farms and establishing a typology of small wind installation with maximum wind power unit of 200 kW and a maximum power of 2 MW, with free the distribution network.
Andalusia has 3008.96 MW in operation and has five times the installed wind power capacity in the last four years. With this wind power would be given equal coverage to the electricity consumption of approximately five million inhabitants and is preventing the emission into the atmosphere of more than 2.4 million tons of CO2, corresponding to withdraw from circulation near 1,3 million vehicles.
By José Santamarta, www.evwind.com