Upon the operation of expanded capacity, total solar power capacity of Yingli in Hainan will amount to 200 MW.
Early in July of 2010, Yingli’s 100 MW of multi-crystallin e silicon-based manufacturing lines, which involved investment of 767 million yuan. It is the first solar PV project in Hainan.
Li Wei, secretary generation of Yingli Green Energy (NYSE:YGE) Haina n Base disclosed that Yingli will invest 15 billion yuan in the follow ing three to five years in solar PV industry in Hainan.
Apart from Yingli, Hanergy Holding Group and Hainan Tianj u Solar Co., Ltd have also settled down in Hainan to launch solar proj ects. In the coming five years, total solar cell production capacity i n Hainan is likely to top 3GW, making Hainan the biggest solar PV indu strial base in the world.