A new 220/400 kV transformer station will be built in Tariverde, municipality of Cogealac, Dobrogea, in order to connect these 600 MW of wind power to the grid. The construction license for this new station was issued in summer last year, while the rights to the required land had already been granted. These will allow the company to start construction within the coming months. Construction works will be carried out by Iberdrola Ingenieria y Construcction Erandio of Bucharest.
Linked to these 600 MW are wind farm plants developed by Eolica in the surrounding villages of Baia, Istria, Sacele, Kogalniceanu and Cogealac. “While few of these projects already received final construction licenses, we expect to get the construction permits for the remaining projects step by step until the end of 2011,” according to the company.
Eolica Dobrogea has over 50 wind farm projects under development in Romania, in Baia, Beidaud, Casimcea, Cogealac, Istria, Mihai Viteazu, Piatra and Sacele localities in Dobrogea area. In total, it plans to build 599 wind turbines with an installed capacity of 1,200 MW, according to the company. The major part of its pipeline has been purchased by Spanish Iberdrola Renovables, while Eolica still has several new greenfield wind project in the pipeline.
Eolica Dobrogea is owned by Swiss NEK Group, Romanian firm Rokura and Romanian investor C. Dica, according to data on its website.