Arise Windpower AB Increase of the Share Capital

At an extra shareholders’ meeting on 24 August 2007 a directed issue of warrants to the members of the Board of Directors was resolved. Those warrants have now been exercised by members of the Board of Directors to subscribe for 227 500 new shares in Arise Windpower AB (publ). In addition there are unexercised warrants issued to members of the Board of Directors and employees as further set forth in the listing prospectus.

The chairman of the Board of Directors, Mr. Pehr G Gyllenhammar, has accordingly now subscribed for 197 500 new shares in connection with the exercise of warrants. The intention is to dispose those shares in connection with the allocation of the new shares. The chairman’s holding, which is significant in Arise (in total 446 639 shares), will accordingly be unchanged in relation to the holding prior to the exercise of the warrants.

The members of the Board of Directors, Mr. Joachim Gahm and Mr. Birger von Hall have now each subscribed for 15 000 new shares in connection with the exercise of the warrants. The intention is to reallocate the new shares to company or individually managed endowment insurance policy. The share capital in Arise Windpower AB (publ) will, after the registration of the new shares for the exercised warrants, amount to SEK 2 543 085.60 divided into 31 788 570 shares.

Arise Windpower is one of Sweden’s leading companies in onshore wind power. Its business concept is to sell electricity generated at the company’s own wind turbines. The company’s target is to have about 700 MW (equivalent to about 300 wind turbines) in operation or under construction by 2014. Arise Windpower is listed on NASDAQ OMX Stockholm.