Belwind wind farm?s monopiles installed in Belgium

On 5 February Van Oord installed the last of 56 monopiles on the Belwind offshore wind power project off the coast of Belgium. Van Oord transported the monopiles on board of coasters from Germany to the site storage in Zeebrugge, Belgium.

The 56 transitions pieces were manufactured in Aalborg, Denmark and also transported to Zeebrugge, Belgium. On 16 of February Van Oord successfully installed 50 transition pieces using the jackup JB 114. Van Oord will finalize the installation works beginning of March 2010.

The installation of the 55 wind turbines will start in the second half March 2010 by a jack-up platform. Van Oord will be responsible for the marine operations. The wind turbine generators will be erected by Vestas.

The inter-array cable laying work, with a planned start in April 2010, will be executed by the Van Oord cable laying vessel HAM 601. A supply barge will bury the cable.

In the spring and summer of 2010 the export cable installation, scour dumping and installation of the Offshore High Voltage Stations will be executed.

Belwind is Van Oord’s second EPC (Engineering, Procurement and Construction) contract. Earlier Van Oord completed the Princess Amalia wind farm project off the coast of IJmuiden, the Netherlands. Van Oord’s knowledge and experience is concentrated in our business unit Offshore Wind Projects (OWP). The Belwind wind energy project confirms the leading role of Van Oord as EPC contractor in North West Europe.